Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The confinements of Dreamweaver Templates

The out of the box Dreamweaver Templating is being headache for the developer. (still has been used  widely )..argggg....

I Started working with this templating and was frustrated later on after being faced up with drawbacks and limitations of  DWT’s. Here we go with few...

Rigidity :
I wanted to format the Date, end up writing TBB to handle it.

Conditional Statements :
Yep, there is IF but unfortunately there is  no ELSE statement. (and I am not Lying....)
You have to write TemplateIf multiple times using negation.

TemplateRepeatIndex :
We can not get the outer TemplateRepeatIndex value while looping through Components array or Fields

Nested Repeat Regions :
Most of the time you want to use fields from Outer loop inside inner loop (a big NO...!!! U can not do that)
Accessing fields from an outer repeat region is impossible.

ComponentLink Fields :
We just can’t access the fields of a Component from a ComponentLink field. Again end up either having a TBB that pushes these values to the package, or by use  Dreamweaver Get Extensions.

and i started liking Compound Templating...oh yeah !!!!!